Thursday, 7 December 2017
Career Week
This morning we had another visitor to came and talk to us about career's she was architect she designs house.It was really interesting learning about her job. What are you going to be when you grow up? Comment down below.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Career Week
This morning we had Season marry down and her best friend Chelsea are lawyer and Mauta Rob is a bank person. I learn't a lot of things from all of them now I don't know what my career should be now because their job's sound so interesting. After lunch we are going to have someone else.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Career visitor
Today we had visitors from the NRC Northland regional council they we're talking about looking after New Zealand. I loved when we got to touch some real spider's that was not real don't worry. We learn't that you have to have a degree of science and other things to be a bio security.
I got these from the lesson.
I got these from the lesson.
Monday, 4 December 2017
Digital clock
Today I learn't how to tell an a digital clock. The hard part was nothing really because I get the pattern for 24 hour clock. The easy part was telling digital time. My next step is to learn about what AM and PM stand for. Here is my evidence
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Te wa
Last couple of days I been learning how to tell a 24 hour clock. The hard part was turning the time into a 24 hour time time. The easy part was playing a clock game after we learn't how to tell a 24 hour clock. I need to work on turning the time into a 24 hour time. My next step is to tell the time and get faster at telling 24 hour clock.
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Grateful poem
For the last couple of days I been working on my grateful poem a grateful poem is a poem what would make your day and I am great for. The easy part was decorating my poem with a border. The hard part was coming up with some reasons. My next step is to active my goals.
For the last couple of days I been learning how to conversions. The hard part was turning the fraction into percent. The easy part was timing the fraction to make a hundred and the answers. I need to be fluent in timetable so I can times for an example 19 times 4. My next step is turning percentage into fractions. I know I have learn't how to conversions when I can turn fractions into percentage and turn percentage into decimals.
Can you solve this and turn it in a decimal, fraction and percentage
your questioned is
I'll be checking answers on 1/12/17
Monday, 20 November 2017
Decoding strategies automatically
Today I learn't how to use decoding strategies. The hard part was understanding what decoding strategies mean't. The easy part was seeing what kind of strategies you can use if you get stuck on a page and you need some strategies. I know I have learn't decoding strategies when
- Re-read
- Ask questioned
- Ask for help (etc)
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
For the last couple of weeks I been learning about summarising. The easy part was looking for the key words in the text. The hard part was nothing. I know I have learn't how to summarise when
S starts for shorter text
U starts for use our own words
M starts for main ideas only.
Next for my learning I'm going to be learning how to use decoding strategies.
S starts for shorter text
U starts for use our own words
M starts for main ideas only.
Next for my learning I'm going to be learning how to use decoding strategies.
Monday, 6 November 2017
Today I got spilt up so I'm in room 5. Room 5 is a cool class really interesting in how they do there work. Had a good lunch and play time.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Today I been doing a post about what makes Kawakawa primary special. The hard part was finding picture for my schoolwiana. The easy part was expressing my thoughts into my writing. My one is on slide number 14.
Friday, 27 October 2017
Weekly plenary
We been learning doing our weekly plenary and here's my one. P.S some of my slide's are empty for my next weekly plenary.😊😊
For the last couple of days I been learning about persuasive writing and how a rubrics is used a rubrics is a slide that has all the things for persuasive writing for our marks (like spelling, Vocab etc) We got a writing to mark on and give it a score then I write a persuasive writing about Sports is better than Kapa haka I disagreed. The hard part was coming up with reason because I like sports as well as Kapa haka. The easy part was adding time linking words and evaluative language etc. I can add time linking words etc to my writing. I need to learn coming up with powerful reason to hook the reader.
Problem solving
For the last couple of days I been learning about problem solving and following the step. The hard part was solving the equation because I didn't know what strategies I should do. The easy part was following the steps for problem solving. I can follow the steps for problem solving. I need to learn how to find other strategies.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Today I learnt about homophones. Homophones are different words that sound the same. The hard part about homophones are what word sound the same. The easy part was working with a buddy. I know I have learnt homophones because two or three words sound the same. For example There, Their and They'er.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
For the last couple of weeks I been learning about Kiwiana and how its related to New Zealand. The hard part was thinking of an activity to do because all of them were so good. The easy part was doing my activity because I knew what I was going to write.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Quotation marks
Today I have learn how to use sixty six ninety nine, in other words quotation marks or speech marks. I know that you can only use speech marks when someone is talking in your writing (For example Mum said "No! You can't go to your friends house"). You can use punctuation in speech mark but you can only use question marks, exclamation mark and comma if you asked a question or said something loud. The easy part was the picture that miss showed us when you people were talking and it had quotation marks in it. The hard part was Learning what dialogue means and what you can do with it
Friday, 22 September 2017
Last couple of days I been doing a movie. I had to act out some parts and try to act funny. I like our movie's because they were funny and hilarious. I didn't like our greeting because it was quite and it was to far. I would change our haka because we didn't know what we were doing.
Friday, 4 August 2017
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Caine's arcade
Hi we been working on a game and we had to write a refection about how hard and easy it was. Here is my refection.
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Our hoilday
Last couple of days we been doing a writing about how we felt in the holiday and learning to put more powerful adjective. The easy part was putting more adjectives in my writing. The hard part was thinking of a time in the holidays when I felt happy.I can use heaps of adjective.
Our Holiday
1. Waiting
2. “RR”
“This is Newshub” “Click” As I gazed at the boring T.V . “Their is nothing on the T.V aaaaaaa!” I yelled with excitement not “Nanny when is mum coming home from Aussie I’m getting so bored” “On a scale out of one to ten how would I rate my boredness I think 100!” I was so bored then.
“Rrrr” As my awesome mum pulled up with our white sparky car. “She’s here finally here. It’s like nearly 12 am” As I open our old weird door. I dash to my mum as fast as a cheetah to her. “Mum do you have any presents for me” “Are you going to say hi” “After you give my presents. So where are they” “First came and help me with my cool pretty bag’s” “Yeah no thank you ask Phoebe” As I walked gracefully back inside. “That girl man never help” “I heard that. The reason why because I’m lazy” “Typical Tahurangi” My mum said “I heard that too” I replied.
My two annoying but cute sisterÅ› was running around like crazy wild animals. “I got beatiful presents” “Yeah right “ I whispered. 10 minutes later we all got our cool presents I got a bracelet that say my name a roxy jacket and sandals plus chocolate “Yummy” As I eat the delicious brown shiny chocolate.
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Term 3 starts
Hello and welcome to a start of new term. For the last two days we been really busy and we been working really hard. 1 more term before holidays and Christmas.
Friday, 7 July 2017
2017 Term 2 finish
What I accomplished this term?
I accomplished being a Perfect. Because I always dreamed of being a perfect and I worked really hard to get where I am right now. So I'm really proud of myself.
Thing you want to improve on?
Having courage and being brave because I have a massive stage fright.
Thing you enjoyed this term?
Having fun and going to awesome placing like Maromaku etc and
HAPPY HOLIDAYS😊😊😊 Blog you next time I mean't next term.
I accomplished being a Perfect. Because I always dreamed of being a perfect and I worked really hard to get where I am right now. So I'm really proud of myself.
Thing you want to improve on?
Having courage and being brave because I have a massive stage fright.
Thing you enjoyed this term?
Having fun and going to awesome placing like Maromaku etc and
HAPPY HOLIDAYS😊😊😊 Blog you next time I mean't next term.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Gear bags
Today I been learning how to make a gear bag with a sewing machine and a needle here's a reflection about how I did.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Food for thought
Today I been at the four square to see how much (Sugar, Fat etc). The hard part was looking for things in the shop. The easy part was writing it down on my sheet. I can work in the shop quietly with out being to noise. I need to work with other people and see if they need help. Here are some photo's when we went to the four square
Thursday, 1 June 2017
Hanga hinaki
The last couple of days I been learning about hinaki (eels trap) and drawing my hinaki plus getting the materials to make it for next week because we are going down to an awa (river) to go and catch some eels. The hard part was drawing my hinaki and how it's going to look for it. The easy part was labelling the parts of the hinaki. I need to work harder and not talking. I can draw a hinaki now with a little bit of practices I got it.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Food for thought
Today I just had a lesson with Whaea Abi the healthy trust lady about heathly eating. The interesting part was seeing how Nutrition is
- Energy
- Vitamins + minerals
- Fibre - "keeps you fuller for longer"
Friday, 26 May 2017
Interesting fact
What you should do when you catch a Tuna?
First you put the tuna into the bucket and take it home.
Then gut the tuna with a knife.
After the water it down.
Then get some new paper and rub the slime off.
Finally get brown sugar a rub it and put it in the cooker.
Finally you have a perfect cooked tuna well done.
- knife
- bucket
- newpaper
First you put the tuna into the bucket and take it home.
Then gut the tuna with a knife.
After the water it down.
Then get some new paper and rub the slime off.
Finally get brown sugar a rub it and put it in the cooker.
Finally you have a perfect cooked tuna well done.
Language features
The last couple of days I been working on a writing procedure the list to a perfect procedure writing is
- Title
- Ingredients
- Method, Instructions, numbering paragraphs
- Final statement
- Time linking words
- adverds
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
mai te awa ki te tepu
Last couple of days I been doing a venn diagram comparing a fish and a tuna (eel). The easy part was knowing what they have the same. The hard part was knowing what they have different from each other. Hope you enjoy my Venn diagram
Monday, 22 May 2017
Prime number
Today I been learning how to do prime numbers. The easy part was learning the structures. The hard part was figuring what one was composite and prime. I need to work hard on my timetable. I can follow the structures for prime numbers.
Friday, 19 May 2017
Last couple of days I been working on a poem about how I'm sorry about having to much rubbish in the world. The easy part was decorating it. The hard part was think about words that made sense. I can now write a poem. I need to work on nothing.
Inquiry fact
The last couple of days I been learning about traditional eels traps. The hard part was researching up traditional eels trap because it didn't tell me anything about eels traps. The easy part was making a animation about how a hinaki works by the way hinaki is a Maori word for an eel trap. I need to work better with my partner. I can make a animation that shows how an hinaki works.
Prime numbers
Last two days I been going to work shops for prime numbers. The hard parts are learning all the steps in prime number. The steps are:
- timetable
- 2 factors in a prime number
- divisible by itself
- no remainders
- 24 number are only even numbers.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Language structures
Last couple of days I been working on my report writing about eels it was interesting finding facts about eel some I didn't know so that was cool. The easy part was finding interesting fact about eel of course. The hard part was trying to put the facts into my own words like with out copying or paste it and organising my paragraph in the correct place and putting a space after my punctuate. I can search facts really easy on sites. I need to work on putting a space after my punctuate. Here's my finish report hope you like this😃
Eels know in New Zealand Tuna
The eel known in New Zealand tuna. The eel is an Anguilliformes and a carnivorous. They spend their whole life underwater. Hydro dams stops the eels (Tuna) Moving freely up rivers and stop them to get to they migrating place. If you were an eel how would you feel? Their Scientific name is Anguilliformes.
During their life they can grow up to two metres long. When the eels are small they are smooth then older eels. Eels change shape when they are ready to migrate. Longfin eels also have a largemouth and small sharp teeth. The longfin eels top teeth that are form pointy like a pointy arrow.
Moray eel eat fish like molluscs and other eels. Fin-eels eat insect, larvae, water snails and worms. Eels hunt by smell rather than sight. Long fin eels have a well developed sense of smell, isn’t that cool.
When they are ready to have babies they leave New Zealand and swim up to 5000 kilometre to the tropical pacific where it’s safe. The name of eel larvae are called leptocephalus. Before entering fresh water the leptocephalus change form into a familiar eel body. Longfin eels breed only just before the end of their life.
Eels known in New Zealand Tuna. During their life they can grow up to two metres long, Longfin eels have a well developed sense of smell and Longfin eels breed only once at the end of their life. Do you think eels are interesting?
Friday, 12 May 2017
Language features
Language Features
Today I been working on a my life cycle about eels because we are writing and been working on language features what's language features? You ask well it's:
Today I been working on a my life cycle about eels because we are writing and been working on language features what's language features? You ask well it's:
- Impersonally pronouns
- Action verbs
- Present tense words
LIFE CYCLE:When they are ready to have babies they leave New Zealand and swim up to 5000 kilometre to the tropical pacific where it’s safe. The name of eel larvae are called leptocephalus. Before entering fresh water the leptocephalus change form into a familiar eel body. Long-fin eels breed only once at the end of their life.
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Language features
Last couple of days I been working on a general statement like a opening statement for our report. The easy part was writing my general statement. The hard part was looking for a fact that I wouldn't be using for my report. I can write my general statement know but couple of days go I was kind a strangling with my general statement. I need to try and pronounce the hard words by sounding it out. Comment if you like my General statement😃 Blog you next time
General statement
The eel know in New Zealand tuna. It’s an Anguilliformes an a carnivorous and spend they whole life underwater. Hydro dams stops the eels (Tuna) Moving freely up rivers and stop them to get to they migrate if you were an eel how would you feel? Scientific name is Anguilliformes.
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
I wonder
Last couple of days I been working on a D.L.O (Digital learning object) called Powtoon It was I wonder? For our reading to. The hard part was uploading my Powtoon to my blog. The easy part was creating my Powtoon it was really awesome. I can now upload my Powtoon to my blog. I need to save my Powtoon because once I forgot to save my Powtoon then all my hard work was gone so make sure you save your Powtoon first before you delete your tab. MY POWTOON Watch my Powtoon about eels.
Blog you next time😀😃
Blog you next time😀😃
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Inquiry Fact about eels
They swim up to 5000 kilometres to the tropical pacific to reproduce and to migrate.
They swim up to 5000 kilometres to the tropical pacific to reproduce and to migrate.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Today I have proof I have done a screen castify. The easy part was to creating a screen castify. The hard part is sharing my screen castify to my blog. So here is a video of an old screen castify hope you like it.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
It's an eels life
Today I learnt about eels and how they are nearly extinct we had to watch videos and articles about eels and make a side and pick three activities. The easy part was pick three activities. The hard part was knowing that eels are at risk of extinction. I need to focus more on my mahi instead of my drawings.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Persuasive writing
Hi I been learning how to write a Persuasive writing in my class. The hard part was trying to think about three reasons and examples. The easy part was putting time linking words and conjunctions in my work. I need to work on putting more high level words in my writing. I can help other people when they are stuck.
Hi I been learning how to order of operations with Bed-mas. The hard part was the questions some I didn’t get and some I got really easy. The easy part is co-operating with my buddy because we work together to work out the answer and we ask questions when we're not sure how to work it out.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Today I been learning how to find emotive words in a real state newspaper. The hard part was understanding emotive language at first by I got it after understanding it. The hard part was what words we're emotive words. I can now find emotive words in real state newspaper. I need to letting other people talk not just me. I think the purpose for the Authors is trying to get the buyers attention.`
Here is my sides that shows my emotive words.
Here is my sides that shows my emotive words.
Monday, 3 April 2017
Buying house
Today I been learning about emotive language in real state news paper. The hard part was learning about emotive language. The easy part was picking a house and highlighting emotive words. I can highlight emotive words from a text from real state news paper. I need to stop talking when other people are talking.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Project energise
I have been learning new games with Matua Bodene and how to communicate with others and to learn where other people come from. The hard part was trying to communicate with my team because we were always talking and not communicating properly. The good part was knowing the team by telling me where they come from. I can be focus and think what to do when I’m stuck in a big mess with my team. I need to talk to my team and see if they have a solution instead of being the boss of the team.
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Square roots
I been working on square roots. The hard part would be understanding the symbols. The easy part was answering the questions. I can use timetable to help me with square roots when answering the question. I need to work learn all my 8,7 timetable.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Infer padlet
I been learning how to infer. Inferring is trying to find evidence, reading between the lines and show not tell. The easy part was coping the text and saying after you copy the text " I Think she fells...". The hard part was understanding how she felt. I can use inferring to figure out what the author is saying. I need to take my time when I read because I read super fast.
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Friday, 10 March 2017
I have been learning how to problem solve a question miss made some sides full of questions and she made a padlet so we can share our working out with each other. The hard part is understanding the question. The easy part was problem solving the question. I can work it out and explain how I go the answer. I need to practice understanding the questions. 😀😊😂
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Harakeke by Melanie Drewery
I am learning to infer.
I know inferring is trying to find evidence in the story and know how the character's feels by reading between the lines.
Here is a part in the text I have used to infer Carefully she peeled back the Matua and quickly snipped a pepe shoot.
I think she couldn't resist the rito the baby because it was strong, straight and beautiful and she knew that it would make a nice star for Tama her Aunt's baby .
I am learning to infer.
I know inferring is trying to find evidence in the story and know how the character's feels by reading between the lines.
Here is a part in the text I have used to infer Carefully she peeled back the Matua and quickly snipped a pepe shoot.
I think she couldn't resist the rito the baby because it was strong, straight and beautiful and she knew that it would make a nice star for Tama her Aunt's baby .
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Grateful poems
I had to make a poem and say what I'm grateful for. The hard part was think about a poem. The easy part was decorating it. I can crop the photo into small square's and turn it into heart shape's. I need to stop what I'm doing and have a break.💖💖

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