On Saturday we were helping Tukau with the pop up shop. We had to get up early and help Season out with the set up and stuff. All day I was helping, their was this one time when heaps of people come in and the whole store was packed. But it was cool after it. I took some photos then Season posted it on the Tukau legacy's page on Facebook. and looking at all their clothes was awesome I had my eye on one of the long sleeve T-shirt.
Learning story
The hard part was nothing because I got to write about what I did so yeah. The easy part was easy because as I said it was easy and yeah. I need to elaborate on my writing. I can write about what happened in the past.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Monday, 26 November 2018
Summer learning journey/ Paying it forward
Today I'm am doing my first ever Summer learning blog post. Here it is
I would bring Whittaker chocolate, L & P, pavlova, Hokey Pokey and Hangi, kai moana, Jaffas and Pineapple lumps, Label clothes and shoes, Hoverboard, I phones, Healthy food, Fat food, 2018 education no rulers, Spa pool and wifi internet
I would bring Whittaker chocolate, L & P, pavlova, Hokey Pokey and Hangi, kai moana, Jaffas and Pineapple lumps, Label clothes and shoes, Hoverboard, I phones, Healthy food, Fat food, 2018 education no rulers, Spa pool and wifi internet
20 min blog post
On Friday Ocean came over and hung out with me we were watching movies on Netflix like horrors because were stupid like that, We watched Insidious 3 it was ok ocean didn't like horrors. The Makatu and Diesel came over and we played spotlight and go home and stay home. We were hiding in the car and Makatu and Diesel walked right past us. Then we watched movies together for about a good 3 hours long. After that Makatu and Diesel went home and Ocean and I fell asleep well she fell asleep and I stayed up until like 3:00 yeah... And that's my story. Blog you later.
The easy part about this writing was everything because I know what I was writing about. The hard part was nothing because as I said it was easy. I need to work on my vocab and other things.
The easy part about this writing was everything because I know what I was writing about. The hard part was nothing because as I said it was easy. I need to work on my vocab and other things.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Kapa haka Regional
On Saturday 17th of November we were getting ready for the big day, what we've been waiting for. 2018 Kapa haka regional for Primary and intermediate. At twelve we started to get ready we put on our new Kakahu and other things. We left at like two and arrived their at three. We did our finishing touching and at four it was our time to shine. We were nervous but once we got on the stage we all felt awesome. After our performance we stayed for prize giving we came third in most of the items and we come 3 in intermediate and 3 overall and now WERE GOING TO NATIONAL!!!!!!
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
My writing
This week we got to pick any type of writing like a poem or report. So I picked a poem, so I decide to write about the Seasons. The hard part was trying to describe my writing. The easy part was decorating it. Here is my writing.
Monday, 5 November 2018
The 20 min challenge
This is my 20 mins writing I hope you enjoy and lets begin... On Friday the second their was a Halloween disco you had to dress up as your favourite character or animal or a costume really. So I got ready and (By the way I was a dead of the dead person)... And I went to the disco and it started boring but when it got dark we started to dance a little and then we were having the best time of our lives. In the morning of November the 3 on Saturday I was sick and slept in until like twelve and I had Wananga, A Wananga is a big sleepover but not we had this Wananga for our kapa haka and its like... I can't really explain it but yeah I also went to a birthday party so that was great. I got their late and I had a normal night like always but just the kapa haka training. We did that for Sunday to and went home at 5pm. I was tired and I also hurt my leg at kapa haka. So I didn't go to school on the Monday because of my knee and then tomorrow I have an oppiment for my knee to see whats wrong with it at 10am so that means we have to get up early YEAH...(Sarcasm) And even worse I have to go to Whangarei. But I get to go to school after and yeah thats it for now you guys should try the 20 min writing challenge. It was really easy their was no hard part.
Friday, 2 November 2018
Assembly term 4 week 3
Today we had our Halloween Assembly it was awesome we performed some dance items and also we sang a song. We had to create some masks for your dance we were dancing to un poco loco from COCO and bring some costumers to our Assembly. The hard part was probably getting up and dancing in front of a crowed because I'm not really a dancing fan. The easy part was singing the song because I felt comfortable preforming in front of everyone cause our class was singing.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Today we did a maze but we had to speak Maori to our partner and they had to be blindfolded. My partner was Ocean she did well listing to me speak Maori, but her speaking Maori when I was blindfolded was hard. The easy part was speaking Maori because it was easy. The hard part was drawing and trying to listen to Ocean while she is speaking Te reo. Here is my maze this how I done. Enjoy...?
The words we had to use
Haere totika- Go straight
Piki ake- go up
Heke iho-go down
ka tu- stop
The words we had to use
Haere totika- Go straight
Piki ake- go up
Heke iho-go down
ka tu- stop
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Spelling activity
Last week we started a spelling activity and we been working on our long E sound and long A. The hard part was finding words that have the long a sound or long e sound. The easy part was the dictation because I could remember every word. Here is my spelling activity I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Te reo selfie
For the past week I've been working on my te reo selfie movie, it's a movie where you speak Te reo Maori and explain who you are and what you do. For example I had to say something I like and then translate it into Maori. I put everything into a Imovie and edit my movie and run over it so their was so mistakes, The hardest part was recording and editing and uploading that was really stressful because on top of that I had to do my art and another movie we're currently making so yeah. The easy part was I'm just going to be honest nothing, nothing was easy at all because you have to plan what your going to do next and what sentence your going to say, you have the sentence on lock down and not looking at the screen. I think this activity was the hardest thing I've ever done in primary. But over all I loved the experience and helped me to get comfortable around a camera. That's it I hope you like my movie comment if you can. I hope you enjoy my movie👍👍
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Holiday blogging activity
Hello I'm involved in a blogging challenge I have to blog and do tasks over the holidays so. Okay so my first activity was what did I do today? It was really easy explaining what I did today. So here is my What did I do today? I hope you enjoy.
Friday, 14 September 2018
FUN RUN!!!!!
Last Friday we had a fun run race where you run through mud and courses. For me it was fun because we had a mud fight and we went for a swim. The thing I didn't like was the powder when they throw the powder at you the powder didn't really show which was not really cool, I wanted the vibrant colours to show and pop out but out of all of that it was fun. We had to crawl under a cargo net which was fun. The day turned out great and I had a fun time probably the best Fun run I've even did. Here are some photos from that day. I hope you like the photos:) By the way we got ever muddy...
Monday, 20 August 2018
This is my maths eyes I hope you enjoy. My reflection is on my maths eyes google drawing
Friday, 17 August 2018
Carpool Karaoke
For the past week we were videoing a carpool karaoke for our assembly. The easy part was doing the actions because we decided our actions together. The hard part was being in front of a camera because I hate people watching me do something. I need to work on not being shy and being more confident. I hope you like it.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Maori lessons
Today we had a Maori lesson and we had to make a video about what we learn't. The hard part was trying not to laugh because we were starring at each other and we tried not to laugh in the video. The easy part was speaking Maori because we were practising before the video. I hope you enjoy my groups video.
Monday, 6 August 2018
Maths eyes
Today we had to take a photo outside and use our maths eyes to look for shapes, angle and other things to do with maths. My reflection is on my google drawing. I hope you enjoy my maths eyes.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Hello welcome back to Tahurangi's blog and a new term, I'm going to start out with a Maori blog post. Ok lets get started. On Tuesday we had a Maori lesson. The hard part was nothing really because it was really easy. The easy part was speaking to other people in Maori and replying when other people talk to me in Maori. I need to extend my Maori vocabulary. Here is my Maori activity hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
For the last couple of days I've been working on a narrative about a forest after that I had to decorate my writing and add pictures that relate to my narrative. The hard part was thinking of what I was going to writing. The easy part was decorating my narrative because it was easy. Here is my slide that I put my narrative on. Hope you enjoy :)
Last week we went to Waitangi to go and see their new technology like VR goggles and green screen etc. The hard part was having the courage to talk to a camera it was really hard. The easy part was making my background for my green screen I used scalp site thing you can make designs out of shapes. Here is my video hope you enjoy :)
Monday, 2 July 2018
How clean is our awa?
For the whole term we been working on a inquiry called how clean is our awa? We had to pick a problem that involves around our awa. The hard part was trying to solve my problem because their was so many ideas in my head and I didn't know what to pick. The easy part was picking a problem because I already knew what my problem would be. Here is my how clean is our awa slide hope you enjoy :)
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Mozzarella pizza
This is my google drawing about what we did for technology today I hope you enjoy.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Last couple of days my class has been learning about Maori, Learning Maori is really fun because you get to do fun activity's and you get to talk Maori my favourite thing to do. The hard part was nothing because it was really easy for me because I love Maori and sometimes like to speak Maori and I use to be in a Maori class so that helps me a lot, so when it came to the Maori activity it was really easy. The easy part was everything but somethings were hard but most of it was easy. Here is my slides that I did my Maori activity on. I hope you enjoy😁😃
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
For the past week I been doing explain writing and we had to publish one. The hard part was thinking of some reason for my writing. The easy part was elaborating on my writing. Here is one of my explain writing I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Today I made a poster about bullying. The hard part was thinking about what advise to give to other people if there being bullied. The easy part was decorating my poster it was really easy. If you want to check out the site I used for my poster the link is www.canva.com just copy and paste. I hope you like it and helps you a lot. Tour inthe city by Tahurangi Karena Cherrington
Friday, 11 May 2018
Today we had a reading session about our water quality and we had to test the water quality and everything else. The hard part was testing it because looking for the right colour. The easy part was recording our work because we set up a table and put our numbers in the table. Here is my work and some photos.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Sea cleaners!!!
Today I had to search what the Sea cleaners do and other volunteers that help to clean the sea and waterways. The hard part was trying not to cry in the videos that we had to watch for the answers to the questions, It was really hard because seeing animals that didn't make it because they ate plastic that made them sick and slowly dyeing from the plastic that made me really sad and teary. The easy part was answering the questions because I really understand the question and the video. I need to work on reusing plastic that can be reuse and start to recycle.
Here is their website if you want to go and check it out it's really cool.
Here is my work that I have done today.
Here is their website if you want to go and check it out it's really cool.
Here is my work that I have done today.
Today for my post it's not going to be about my work but about our rubbish. Our rubbish is causing so much harm to our planet and animals that lives on our land and in our sea. The reason why I care so much is because I want a better future that is bright and clean for our next generation. My teacher gave us a talk about how bad our rubbish is and I agree. Here is a fact In 1975 the National Academy of sciences estimated that 14 BILLION POUNDS!!! Of rubbish was being bumped into the ocean every year. That's more than 1.5 million pounds per hour sad right but that's not even the worse part.
Here look at these pictures show below.
(These are beaches that have rubbish everywhere)
Horrible pictures right. That's why we need to do something about it instead of sitting on our butts and on our technology. We need to start recycling things and picking up rubbish. Comment down below what we should do to keep our planet clean.
Here look at these pictures show below.
(These are beaches that have rubbish everywhere)
Friday, 20 April 2018
Week 1 of my Holiday
Week 1 of my Holiday
My holiday is beginning to be fun and awesome I volunteered to help out for the holiday program. It's really fun on Wednesday we had a wheel day we had to bring wheels as a scooter or skateboard etc. I hope next week is a blast to.😆😊😍😙
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Term 1 reflection
This is my term 1 reflection it's about what I learn't for this year and what I achieve this term. It was really interesting because reflecting on my past work was really hard. Choosing my goal for next term was really hard. So here is My term 1 reflection.
Monday, 9 April 2018
Novel activity
For couple of days I've been working on my novel activity's and I finish one. My activity is a book cover so I had to make a new book cover fro my book but you can't copy the original book cover. The hard part was nothing really because it was really easy. The easy part was everything because making a new book cover was really easy. Here is my novel activity.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Poem about sports
Today I wrote a poem about sports. The hard part was trying to make up a rhyme for my poem. The easy part was decorating my google drawing with pictures.You should try to make a poem about sport and share it with me. Here is my sport poem hope you like it.
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Novel activity's
For the last couple of day's I've been doing a Novel activity. Novel activity is when you read a book and then do an activity base on your book. The easy part was picking my activity because it was really easy. The hard part was nothing really it was really easy. My activity that I chose was that I had to make a blockbuster movie cover. So here is my novel activity.
Monday, 26 March 2018
Hello today I been writing about metaphors. Metaphors are comparing two things saying one thing is another. I had to write a metaphor poem about me and describe myself with objects or things. The hard part was describing myself with other things because I didn't know what to chose my things. The easy part was decorating my work so here is my work. Hope you like my poem.
Friday, 23 March 2018
My uniquely kawakawa video
This is our video about whats special about Kawakawa. The hard part was videoing in front of people. The easy part was putting or video together. So here's my groups video.
Friday, 16 March 2018
For the last couple of days I've been learning about metaphor. Metaphor is a sentence that's not like a similes, similes are sentence that use that word like and as but metaphors don't have like or as. We had to make sentence about your mum, dad, sister and our vice principal Miss Henare. So here is my metaphors.
Friday, 9 March 2018
Vivid vocab
This week we did our vivid vocab. Vivid vocab is when our teacher gives us a word and we have to search up the meaning, suffix etc. The hard part was making a sentence because our word was cordial and I couldn't think of a sentence but then miss gave us one. The easy part was finding the meaning of the word. Here is my vivid vocab hope you like it. Can you write a sentence using the word cordial?
Friday, 2 March 2018
Volvo ocean race
I was away for the last couple of days because we were in Auckland at the Volvo ocean race. A Volvo ocean race is a race with boats. The boats arrived from Hong Kong to Auckland. We meet two sailor Blair Tuke and Peter Burling. Here are some photo's.
For the last couples of days I've been learning how to use personification. Personification is when you describe an object with a doing verb. Then we had to make a sentence and make a poem with the sentence it didn't have to rhymes so yes. Here is my Poem.
Friday, 16 February 2018
My learning map
For the last couple of weeks I've been working on my learning map. A learning map is a thing that explains what you do in your learning. Here is mine.
My Pepeha
I been working on my pepeha. A pepeha is a writing about you and where you cam from. Here is my pepeha.
Friday, 9 February 2018
Cyber smart D.L.O
For the last couple of days I've been working on a google drawing about cyber smart and how to keep my Chromebook safe. The easy part was everything because thinking of somethings about how to keep my Chromebook safe was really easy. My next step is to follow my tips to make sure my Chromebook and myself are safe. So here is my google drawing about how to keep your Chromebook safe and other things.
Saturday, 20 January 2018
Summer learning catch up blog:Day 4, activity 1
This activity is about traditional Maori music I have to research a traditional Māori song and I have to choose a waiata. This is my waiata I found.
Title:Tutira mai nga kiwi
I like this song because it's short and catchy and the lyrics are so easy to learn and that's why I love this.
Title:Tutira mai nga kiwi
I like this song because it's short and catchy and the lyrics are so easy to learn and that's why I love this.
Summer learning catch up blog:Bonus activity
This bonus activity is my family I had to choose three people and what makes those three people special. The three people I chose are...
Raukura my sister
Her favourite things are...
1.Going for walks with our nanny
2.Going to get the mail
My uncle Tuhi
His favourite things are...
1.Going to the beach the whanau
2. Having a barbeque and bringing the family together
My nanny
Her favourite things are...
1. Pick hydrangea's
2. Hangout with the whanau
Raukura my sister
Her favourite things are...
1.Going for walks with our nanny
2.Going to get the mail
My uncle Tuhi
His favourite things are...
1.Going to the beach the whanau
2. Having a barbeque and bringing the family together
My nanny
Her favourite things are...
1. Pick hydrangea's
2. Hangout with the whanau
Summer learning catch up blog:Activity 2
Today we have to tell our pepeha to the world a pepeha is something that explains where we come for and allows us to make connection. Here is my pepeha.
Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Tihei mauri ora
Ko Tapukewharawhara toku maunga
Ko Taumarere toku awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua toku waka
Ko Ngati manu toku hapu
Ko Nga puhi toku iwi
Ko Dylan Cherrington toku papa
Ko Shannon Rodger toku mama
Ko Raukura raua ko Kahungunu oku teina
Ko Tahurangi Karena Cherrington toku ingoa
No reira tena koutou (times 3) tatoa
Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Tihei mauri ora
Ko Tapukewharawhara toku maunga
Ko Taumarere toku awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua toku waka
Ko Ngati manu toku hapu
Ko Nga puhi toku iwi
Ko Dylan Cherrington toku papa
Ko Shannon Rodger toku mama
Ko Raukura raua ko Kahungunu oku teina
Ko Tahurangi Karena Cherrington toku ingoa
No reira tena koutou (times 3) tatoa
Summer learning blog catch up: Day 3, activity 1
I had to write a text about. Would you enjoy being a member of such a large family? Here's my piece of writing.
No, I wouldn't be in such a big family max would be about 2 or 3 because having a big family will stress your parents out and having to share room's with 2 other kids I would be annoyed. Having to do 9 to 7 times the washing who would do so much washing right and getting lunch ready for school and that's why I chose to not to have a large family. I already have two little sisters and they are enough.
Side note:I'm doing a catch up on my work for summer learning thing
No, I wouldn't be in such a big family max would be about 2 or 3 because having a big family will stress your parents out and having to share room's with 2 other kids I would be annoyed. Having to do 9 to 7 times the washing who would do so much washing right and getting lunch ready for school and that's why I chose to not to have a large family. I already have two little sisters and they are enough.
Side note:I'm doing a catch up on my work for summer learning thing
Tuesday, 9 January 2018
summer learning blogs:Activity2 The Rules of engagement
So this activity is based on our dream job and what our dream job, is this is my dream job (We had to draw our dream job)Here's my dream job.
My dream job is to be a veterinarian world wide. The reason why I want to be a veterinarian because I love animals I want to give the animals that are sick and injured a chance to have a new healthy life. I know it would take a lot of time to be a veterinarian I would have to go to university for 4 years, but I'm willing to give it a shot in the future that's why I want to be a veterinarian in the future.
My dream job is to be a veterinarian world wide. The reason why I want to be a veterinarian because I love animals I want to give the animals that are sick and injured a chance to have a new healthy life. I know it would take a lot of time to be a veterinarian I would have to go to university for 4 years, but I'm willing to give it a shot in the future that's why I want to be a veterinarian in the future.
Summer learning blog:Activity 1 A house or a home?
Today for my activity I have to compare what my house and the wharepuni similarities and two difference so here it is.
My two similarities for my whare and the wharepuni is
My two similarities for my whare and the wharepuni is
- We both sleep in our whare
- We both love our whare and we treat our whare with respect
My two difference for my whare and the wharepuni is
- That they have individual whare for their things well we have everything connected
- They use flax's for beds and we have blankets etc
That's my similarities and difference.
Summer learning blog: Bonus point Waka ama
This is my bonus activity about Waka ama. I had to write if one day I would like to be in a Waka ama team and race in a competition, Here is my writing .
Yes I would because you get to be more active and collaborate with other people. If you joyed being active and collaborating with other's Waka ama is your sport. If your lucky you might be in your friends team, you can make some new friends along the way. Waka ama is a sport for people that like padding and using their arm strength and leg strength that's why I would like to do Waka ama I like using my arm strength and leg's strength.
Yes I would because you get to be more active and collaborate with other people. If you joyed being active and collaborating with other's Waka ama is your sport. If your lucky you might be in your friends team, you can make some new friends along the way. Waka ama is a sport for people that like padding and using their arm strength and leg strength that's why I would like to do Waka ama I like using my arm strength and leg's strength.
Monday, 8 January 2018
Summer learning blog:Activity 2 setting sail
Today's activity I have to write a letter to a friend about how would it feel if I traveled to a new country and this is my letter.
Dear Awatea Haunui Tipene
We just arrived in a new country called London at first I felt really scared and nervous my hands were sweating my heart was pounding about what the people would say to us and judged us about our looks and our language . But then we meet the queen of London one of her guards took as around to see London's famous land mark like the Big Ben. I hope to hear from you.
Yours sincerely Tahurangi Karena Cherrington
Dear Awatea Haunui Tipene
We just arrived in a new country called London at first I felt really scared and nervous my hands were sweating my heart was pounding about what the people would say to us and judged us about our looks and our language . But then we meet the queen of London one of her guards took as around to see London's famous land mark like the Big Ben. I hope to hear from you.
Yours sincerely Tahurangi Karena Cherrington
Summer learning blog:Activity 1 The frist settlers
Today I read a story a interesting story about Maui, how Maui fished up Aotearoa and some facts about Maui. Here are some of my facts.
- That Maui fished up Aotearoa
- He has a magic jawbone
- That he has brother's named: Maui-mua, Maui-roto, Maui-pae, Maui-waho
Here are some other story's that you might be interested in:
- Te ika a Maui
- How Maui slowed down the sun
- How Maui found his mother
- How Maui found his father and the magic jawbone
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