
Saturday, 27 August 2016

I have been learning how to put detail and use good vocab in my story. The hard thing was to find high level word’s. The easy part was writing the story because you get to extend your story a lot. I can use punctuation really well. I need to learn to put more higher level words.

Race Day
“On your mark  get set go” the elephantine man yelled in the black microphone. I jumped into the cold aqua sparkly sea. I jumped over the tall thin hurdles seeing the colourful fishes like Clown fish, small fish and big fishes but  my conscience  whispered in my ear “Get in the game you can look at the fishes after when you’re done” My conscience was right I should get in the game because everyone wants to win a medal but my conscience was mean a little bit . So I tried my best and I came first. I was so surprised that I won. I gave a speech “I would like to thank my family who supported me throughout the season thank you thank you”  “You can take my pictures after”.

Monday, 15 August 2016


We have been learning how to measure things with a rule and to converting cm into mm. The hard thing was converting it to mm because you have to move the one decimals to the right and it’s really confusing. But I found it easy converting the cm into mm.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016


Here is an animation I made.   It was really hard making it for my first time. The hard thing was moving the images to one space to the other.  I hope you like it.