
Friday 2 March 2018

Volvo ocean race

I was away for the last couple of days because we were in Auckland at the Volvo ocean race. A Volvo ocean race is a race with boats. The boats arrived from Hong Kong to Auckland. We meet two sailor Blair Tuke and Peter Burling. Here are some photo's.


  1. Hi Tahurangi, It's Raphaela from St Patricks here!
    Those photos you took are quite snazzy! Oh and the sporty yellow car, I wish it was mine!
    The photos you took perfectly fit in with your theme. Next time you could add more information, as to how this sport is played. Apart from that it's a piece of good work.

    1. Thank you for replying to my blog I'll make sure I will comment on your blog post:)

  2. This looked like such an amazing trip! How cool that you got to sail and meet some on NZ's finest athletes. Maybe next time in your learning story you could also add what you learnt while on the trip.

  3. Hi Tahurangi I liked reading this and looking at the photos but maybe next time you could a little bit more information on to this... But other from that this is really cool :b
